Sunday, May 31, 2020


Interactive worksheets : Do an activity ,when you finish it,  click on " Terminado" , then  click on
 " Comprobar mis respuestas".  No tienes que enviarlas.
Ficha interactiva Food     Ficha interactiva Food match 5       food: ficha online      Ficha interactiva Like-don't like (listening)
  Ficha interactiva Unit 6 Food   Ficha interactiva Do you like?   Ficha interactiva listening - food    Ficha interactiva Do you like?
Ficha interactiva Do you like?                Ficha interactiva Food: a menu                        Ficha interactiva Video. listening comprehension     

Sunday, May 24, 2020


(Animated Read-aloud) "I Like and I Don't Like"

Animated Read-aloud) "I Like and I Don't Like" - YouTube en 2020

Songs :
Resultado de imagen de The Food Song” (Level 2 English Lesson 10) CLIP - Healthy Food, Educational Song, Kids Education   I am healthy - YouTube  Canción de verduras para niños | Canciones inglesas para niños ...

Apple, Banana, Yoghurt, Sandwich, Juice, Milk | English for Kids ...   Healthy Food for Kids from Steve and Maggie | Speaking with NEW ...  Resultado de imagen de Superdooperfoodalicious - Healthy Eating Song by Mark D. Pencil

 Food Vocabulary :

         Pin de Sarai de en comida | Verduras en ingles, Vegetales y ...
Frutas en inglés y español - Vocabulario en lista con imágenes ...       Food, Drinks ESL Interactive Vocabulary Board Game               Fruits Vocabulary ESL Interactive Board Game

 Food, Drinks Vocabulary ESL Vocabulary Crocodile Board Game         Fruits Vocabulary ESL Vocabulary Crocodile Board Game             Fast Food ESL Vocabulary Memory Game – Hamburger, bread, hot dog 

   Fruits Vocabulary Memory Game for ESL         Vegetable Vocabulary Memory Game for ESL            ESL Vegetable Vocabulary Memory Game for Low Beginners

food vocabulary game      fruits vocabulary game       food

fruit and vege 

Monday, May 18, 2020



              The African Elephant 
Botswana auctions elephant hunting licenses after lifting ban ...

Elephants are the biggest and the smartest animals on land .

They are mammals, they feed their babies with milk.

They have a big body with grey skin,a big head, big ears, a long trunk, two white

 tusks,a short tail and four strong legs with four toe-nails.

Elephants are herbivores, they feed on leaves, fruit and grass.

They can walk and stomp.

Elephants live in the African savannah and in Asia.

They love eating and drinking.

By: ...........    , 3rd Grade / 4th Grade

              Worksheets :
Animals descriptions - Ficha interactiva   Descriptions of animals - Ficha interactiva  

Saturday, May 9, 2020

HOMEWORK 11th - 15th MAY

Review The Animal Body Parts With the Story of THE GRUFFALO .
   The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson      Popular Video Book for children                                            
 Vertebrates Chart   
Many different animals are presented on screen.
At the start of each game, a category is flash on top of screen. 
Click on animals that belong to the category.
You will get the score after completing each round.
                                          Classification Game


Herbivores feed on plants.                     

Carnivores feed on other animals.     

 Omnivores feed on plants and other animals. Diet Game 1
Test what you've learned about herbivores, carnivores and omnivores in our game! 

¿DÓNDE VIVEN LOS ANIMALES?  LOS ANIMALES PUEDEN VIVIR EN DIFERENTES HABITATS.  What is a habitat? A habitat is a place where animals or plants live. Where they get  water ,  food  and  shelter .



Learn the Continents and The Oceans with Songs :  Miss Pineapple!: 7 CONTINENTS and 5 OCEANS SONG!                              Continents and Oceans" by - YouTube                        Kids' poster with world map with animals. Nice posters for kids ...                  

Type in the first 3 letters of the highlighted continent or ocean, then Press Enter. Good Luck !!
world continents & Oceans

Ficha interactiva What do animals eatFicha interactiva What do animals eatFicha interactiva What do animals eat?ONLINE ACTIVITIES : What Do Animals Eat ?   Ficha interactiva Animals like

What Can Animals Do ?

Ficha interactiva What can animals do?    Ficha interactiva What can animals do      Ficha interactiva Animals can can't Ficha interactiva Animals-Can

Haz las Actividades Online, al acabar clica en TERMINADO y luego en COMPROBAR MIS RESPUESTAS y verás la puntuación y lo que te va bien o mal en la ficha.

Good Luck !!